We've made it to another year! Praise God! I'm so excited about 2014. I have several goals that I want to accomplish this year and some I have already implemented in 2013. On Friday night I took time out to do a vision board. I've been wanting to complete a vision board for some years, but I never got around to it. My friend Joy who has a website, www.BeWorthIt.com, where she discusses how she made her vision board. Go over to www.BeWorthIt.com for more details.
First, I decided to split my goals into categories; personal and spiritual. Second, I went through several magazines and ripped out pictures and words of what I'm trying to accomplish this year. Finally, I placed my list is the middle of the board and the magazine cut-outs around them. Check out the pictures below!
Love this! I will be doing this week!! Thanks Jasmine! :)